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Frequently Asked Questions


  • What is the compulsory school age in Ohio?

    • Children must attend school or comply with the homeschool laws between the ages of 6 and 18 years. Ohio statutes establish that a child is of compulsory school age if the child is 6 years old on or before the day school starts in the school district where a child resides. Although most do not, local school boards are authorized to establish guidelines on a district-by-district basis. 



  • What if we move districts or out of state during the school year?

    • Within Ohio: Home educating parents must notify the superintendent of their school district of residence within 5 days after commencing home education OR moving into a new school district OR withdrawal from a public or nonpublic school. Simply use the Notice of Exemption form found here. Every school year thereafter the notification deadline is August 30.

    • Out of state: Notify your local superintendent in writing that you are moving out of the state and will provide proper notification according to the laws of your new state.

  • When is notification “due”?

    • August 30th of each year.


  • How do I withdraw my child from school in order to homeschool?

    • Notify the principal of your child’s school in writing that you are withdrawing your child for the purposes of home education.

    • Submit your letter of exemption to the superintendent of your local schools within five days of withdrawing your child from the school building. We strongly suggest sending this certified mail with a return receipt.

    • You may begin homeschooling immediately; there is no need to wait for an acknowledgement letter. 

  • What about diplomas?

    • A person who has completed the final year of instruction at home under RC 3321.042 may be granted a high school diploma by the parent, guardian or other person having charge or care of the child.

    • A diploma issued in accordance with this statute will fulfill any and all legal requirement to show proof of high school completion for employers or colleges.

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